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Tutorial to Create a Gmail signature
An email signature is text, like your contact information or a favorite quote, that’s automatically added at the end of Gmail messages as a footer.

Add or change a signature

You can put up to 10,000 characters in your signature.
1.     Open Gmail.
2.     In the top right, click Settings Settings and then Settings.
3.     In the "Signature" section, add your signature text in the box. If you want, you can format your message by adding an image or changing the text style.
4.     At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Add a signature if you're using the "Send mail as" feature

If you use the "Send mail as" feature to send from different addresses in your account, you can add a different signature for each address.
To select an address, use the drop-down menu above the signature text box on the Settings page.
If you don’t see the drop-down menu:
1.     Open the Accounts and Import settings page.
2.     Check that your addresses are listed in the "Send mail as" section.

Tutorial Out of office or vacation reply

If you'll be away from your Gmail account, like on a vacation or without access to the Internet, you can set up a vacation responder to automatically notify people that you won't be able to get back to them right away. When people send you a message, they'll receive an email response containing what you've written in your vacation auto reply.

Turn your vacation reply on or off

Set up your vacation reply

1.     On your computer, open Gmail.
2.     In the top right, click Settings Settings and then Settings.
3.     Scroll down to the "Vacation responder" section.
4.     Select Vacation responder on.
5.     Fill in the date range, subject, and message.
6.     Under your message, check the box if you only want your contacts to see your vacation reply.
7.     At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
Note: If you have a Gmail signature, it will be shown at the bottom of your vacation response.

Turn off your vacation reply

When your vacation reply is on, you'll see a banner across the top of your inbox that shows the subject of your vacation response.
To turn off your vacation response, click End now.

When your vacation reply is sent

Your vacation reply starts at 12:00 AM on the start date and ends at 11:59 PM on the end date, unless you end it earlier.
In most cases, your vacation response is only sent to people the first time they message you.
Here are the times someone may see your vacation response more than once:
·         If the same person contacts you again after four days and your vacation reply is still on, they'll see your vacation response again.
·         Your vacation response starts over each time you edit it. If someone gets your initial vacation response, then emails you again after you've edited your response, they'll see your new response.
·         If you use Gmail through your work, school, or other organization, you can choose whether your response is sent to everyone or only people in your organization.
Note: Messages sent to your spam folder and messages addressed to a mailing list you subscribe to won't get your vacation response.

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